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Lessons never feel like work
After passing PD3 I found I was not ready to hold conversations in Danish, so I started 1-1 lessons with Annebeth. Two years on I am working in Danish with Danes, can chat with strangers, watch TV and I read books and news with ease. It has enriched my life in Denmark beyond measure. Annebeth is a calm, fun, engaging teacher. Lessons never feel like work. I strongly recommend Den Lille Sprogskole to anyone who wants to move beyond the basic level the state classes give us.

Juni 2023 Kevin Scott,  IT director, Carlsberg

Nach einem Jahr Privatunterricht bei Annebeth können wir definitiv sagen, dass die Zeit und das Geld gut investiert waren. Annebeth ist eine sehr herzliche & smarte Lehrerin, die jede Stunde persönlich gestaltet und auf die individuellen Interessen ihrer Teilnehmer (in unserem Fall waren das mein Mann und ich) eingeht. Wir sprachen von Anfang an beinahe ausnahmelos (natürlich nicht fehlerfrei) Dänisch miteinander, auch wenn wir absolute Beginner waren, aber es hat immer irgendwie geklappt und wir haben erstaunlich schnell Fortschritte bemerkt. Wir hatten stets eine gute Zeit miteinander und können Den Lille Sprogskole von Herzen weiterempfehlen.
Februar 2023 Jacqueline Koch

Annebeth is an amazing teacher! I started with Annebeth because I had reached a point in which I was no longer pushing myself to speak, learn or practice Danish. As many internationals, I had reached the comfort-zone of being able to live in English and understand written and spoken Danish to survive, mostly because I didn’t have the chance to practice Danish and had given up on looking for opportunities to do so. In the short time I have been with Annebeth, I can feel my confidence to speak building up, my vocabulary broadening and my interest in the language revived, to the point I look forward to practicing more and more. (I am sure very shortly I will feel confident enough to write this review in Danish 😉 ) I highly recommend investing on a private tutor and Annebeth is the one!
August 2021 Fatima Del Carpio

I had one on one, online lessons with Annebeth Fridberg I can’t recommend her highly enough. She makes every effort to make the lessons interesting and engaging for the individual student. She doesn’t just use a cookie cutter approach but tailors the lessons to suit you. She helped me enormously with pronunciation and, although difficult we often had a laugh and she made the classes fun.
Marts 2021 Lindy Sparrow

Annebeth was my teacher when she use to teach København sprogcenter. Recently, I hired Annebeth as a private teacher to help me prepare for the PD3 exams. The oral exams were the ones that I was dreading the most! Annebeth is an amazing teacher and will tailor the lessons to your needs. She never let me get away with speaking English in the lessons, which pushed me to speak more Danish. She focuses on improving your pronunciation as well as the correct use of grammar. With her help, I managed to achieve a grade 12 at the recent Mundtlige exams and without a doubt, without Annebeth’s help, I definitely would not have been able to get that grade!

If you want help with improving your Danish, look no further and please contact Annebeth.
January 2021 Amie Leung

J’ai trouvé cette école de danois sur le web par un pur hasard et ce fut un heureux hasard. J’avais essayé plusieurs fois d’apprendre le danois et ce fut une période de découragement complet jusqu’à ce que je rencontre Annebeth. C’est une pédagogue hors pair qui utilise une technique d’apprentissage basée sur un grand nombre d’exercices et surtout sur des échanges en danois. Nous parlions danois à chaque séance. Ma famille danoise n’en revenait pas de mes progrès et même mes collègues à l’Université étaient sidérés par mes progrès. Annebeth aime enseigner, elle est patiente, gentille et sympathique. Je n’ai aucune hésitation à la recommander à tous ceux qui veulent apprendre le danois.
May 2021 Maurice Ptito

I would highly recommend Annebeth and DLS to anyone wanting to learn Danish in a fun, stress-free and encouraging environment. Having been through the funded sprogskole to PD3 module 4 I had a good grounding in Danish but still felt that I couldn’t have a decent conversation with a Dane. I wanted private tuition to increase my confidence. My first attempt with another tutor was not good but then I found DLS. After just one lesson I knew I was going to stick with Annebeth. She is so dedicated to helping you learn and makes the lessons go so quickly. We talk (always in Danish of course) about subjects that are of interest to me which makes it easier to be engaged. She is able to provide lots of extra material to help me learn when I’m not in class. I was interacting more confidently with Danes I met after just one lesson. I have already recommended Annebeth to friends and I wouldn’t hesitate to do so again.
July 2021 Leigh Mills

I took several lessons with Annebeth at Den lille Sprogskole to improve my spoken Danish for the Module 5 examination (PD3). Annebeth was very welcoming and encouraging throughout, calming my nerves whilst really focusing on how I could improve my pronunciation, vocabulary and sentence structure. I found Annebeth very quick to respond to my emails, and always followed up our classes with detailed notes with recordings so that I could remember everything we went through during the lessons. I would really recommend classes at Den Lille Sprogskole for anyone who wants to receive quality classes which are really focused on the individual 🙂
Janurary 2021 Alice Phillips

Mein Freund (Spanier ) und ich hatten ein paar Monate Sprachunterricht bei Annebeth. Annebeth hat es geschafft unsere verschiedenen Sprachniveaus (B2 und Anfängerin) sowie Sprachhintergründe und die damit verbundenen Ausspracheherausforderungen zu integrieren.
Der Unterricht findet von Anfang an auf Dänisch statt und gerade als deutschsprachige Person versteht man jedes Mal mehr und mehr, was sehr motiviert. Wir haben viel gelacht mit Annebeth und sie hat uns jedes Mal zum Reden motiviert und vor allem auf unsere Aussprache geachtet (super wichtig beim Dänischen).
Annebeth bietet einen tollen Mix aus Sprechen und Grammatik an und außerdem lernt man in den Gesprächen mit ihr ganz nebenbei auch eine Menge über die dänische Kultur :).

Tak Annebeth for et hyggeligt samarbejde!

Neovember 2020 Johanne


I’ve studied with Annebeth Fridberg for the last year. She came recommended from a friend, and I needed the flexibility of a one-on-one tutor. I didn’t anticipate how Annebeth’s skill, teaching ability, and sense of fun would make learning Danish a pleasure and inspire my confidence. Annebeth has a unique ability to zoom in on what counts to a person, and make their lessons valuable. I would give Annebeth highest marks over and over again.
May 2021 Melina Shannon-diPietro

My girlfriend and I had several lessons with Annebeth.
She is a great, dedicated teacher, super helpful, motivational and friendly!
You have the chance to learn much in short time and never get bored.
Highly recommended!

Spetember 2019  Giovanni Vergantini

AnneBeth is a super language teacher in COPENHAGEN. My danish got a great progress by her professional teach method! Especially on speaking! I highly recommend Annebeth as a skillful danish language teacher and wish all the bests in her career! Thank you Annebeth!

Wen Jia, Managing Director at NAOU Holding 13. juli 2018

Annebeth was one of my best Danish teachers. She always explained the grammar in a way we understood and really pushed us to speak, which is the hardest part of this language. I always felt very excited and motivated after her classes, thinking, that ‘I can do this”. Thank you Annebeth, for giving me the drive to learn this difficult language.
Krisztina Klein
Spa Supervisor

Annebeth is an excellent teacher. Make classes a fun activity; looking to exchange ideas, activities and materials with a strong focus on pronunciation and communication in the Danish language.

In her class we talked constantly, we practiced in each session with an emphasis on conversations and I noticed a great difference when interacting with the locals. The classes helped me in an extraordinary way, not only to develop myself better and with writing/ grammar but also to gain confidence when using the language. I highly recommend these classes to people who want to learn Danish effectively and gain comprehension quickly.

Alexandria Whiteoak, Studerende

Annebeth er en fantastisk sproglærer, og hun hjalp mig meget med min udtale. Hun er meget støttende, og jeg er blevet en mere selvsikker dansktalende pga. hendes timer.

Emma Dobson, lærervikar

Hun styrede holdet perfekt. Og ud af de tre timers undervisningstid, var Annebeth der med fuldt overskud og omhyggelighed. Atmosfæren var opløftende, og næsten altid var vi udfordrede, men vi kunne også smile og lave sjov af ord og omstændigheder. (…) Som læge var jeg imponeret over, at jeg var i stand til at tale om ting, der interesserer mig i virkeligheden efter kun et par uger, at sproget var levende og brugbart (…).

Og så var metoderne spændende, kloge, og oven i købet overraskende!

Det, som hun ikke havde planlagt i forvejen, og som man fik meget ud af, stammer fra hendes talent og lidenskab som underviser. Det, og især det, er hvad der gør hende så enestående.

Muayad Yas, Læge

Annebeth var min bedste dansklærer, hjælpsom hver gang jeg havde problemer med at forstå.

Tak Annebeth!

– Fabrizio Loddo

Being in Annebeth’s class was a very good experience for me. She is very practical in her approach and also fun. She is very motivating and her class was not stressful at all. She is very professional and cares for her students. She will try to do everything she could in helping her students.

Princess Porte
Spa Supervisor

Det har været en dejlig oplevelse at have Annebeth som lærer. Hun er meget effektiv og let at forstå, når hun forklarer. Hun er også meget professionel og desuden er hendes timer underholdende.

Agnese Zappalà

Jeg har haft Annebeth som lærer på FVU trin 3. Jeg synes hun var den bedste lærer jeg nogensinde har haft,fordi hun forklarede tingene rigtig godt og var fantastisk god til at forstå vores behov. Altså alt det, vi ikke vidste, vi manglede for at blive bedre til dansk

Baban Taher

J’ai trouvé cette école de danois sur le web par un pur hasard et ce fut un heureux hasard. J’avais essayé plusieurs fois d’apprendre le danois et ce fut une période de découragement complet jusqu’à ce que je rencontre Annebeth. C’est une pédagogue hors pair qui utilise une technique d’apprentissage basée sur un grand nombre d’exercices et surtout sur des échanges en danois. Nous parlions danois à chaque séance.

Maurice Ptito

Annebeth is both an extraordinary teacher and a wonderful person. As someone who has struggled not only to learn Danish but to have the confidence to speak it, I’ve found her to be a tremendous help: sensitive to her student’s needs, flexible, and most of all, reassuring. I recommend her in the highest possible terms.

– Lisa Abend